September 11, 2005

This space is recycled

After leaving this space right after it's creation, in july 2001, I've tried infinite, plus one, times to reopen it with some mind blowing, attention catching, utterly interesting, non pretentious or somewhat shallow theme.
Well, I've miserably failed all those attempts. Mainly, because I thought it was easy to write down all the stuff that goes trough my mind and then look at it from a strangers point of view and find it remotely useful or interesting.
It just doesn't work like that. Firstly, I'm not that good to put down on paper, screen, keyboard, whatever, what's in my mind. Secondly, I was being way too critic of myself to accept having such writings on the open for everyone to read (as if..); it just wasn't a near reflection of the original thing. And thirdly, what goes through my mind really isn't that interesting as I can think it is, when I think about it.

Welcome, to one more attempt.

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